
Tuesday, October 1

The Order

  1. Lauren
  2. Kaiden
  3. Michael
  4. Rachel
  5. Paige
  6. Johnathan
  7. Veerin
  8. CJ
  9. Jacob
  10. Sarah G
  11. Carina
  12. Nam
  13. Cristian
  14. Caleb
  15. Javan
  16. Chiamaka
  17. Sarah B
  18. Riley
  19. Caroline
  20. Kristyne
  21. Colton
  22. Taleah
  23. Ashley
  24. Zach
  25. Amy

Body Language:

Who is most likely to get the job based on body language alone?

What kind of body language do we want to use during our presentations and why?

  • Comfortable and appropriate movements
  • Natural gestures
  • Avoid fiddling.
  • Avoid wearing pockets.
  • Appropriate pacing-slow,deliberate, occasional
  • We will not hide behind the screen.
  • When hands are not busy, they should hang naturally at your sides.
  • Please breathe.
  • Stand upright, tall, with chest out and shoulders back.
  • Open body language-avoid crossing legs and arms.
  • Sincere smile.
  • Avoid clenching jaw.
  • Neutral expression or emotion that matches content

Aside from a Powerpoint as a visual aid, what other special features might you use for your presentation to add interest:  costumes? props,? visuals? handouts?

Setting SMART Goals

Let’s work through how to set a smart goal for our presentations.

My goal is I want to give a good speech.

S-Specific-Of course I want to give a good speech but this is too vague because of the word “good”.  What is “good”?  How would I know if it were good or not?  What do I really mean?  What specific things do good speakers do?

My revised goal is I want to move around naturally during my speech, not remain in one spot.

M-Measurable-How will I measure whether I do this or not?

A-Achievable-Is it feasible to collect 10 stickies?  Maybe not.  After all, I tend not to move at all so 0-10 is a big leap.  Maybe 3 is more manageable for my first time.

R-Relevant-Is this goal even relevant to good public speaking?  It sure is!  When I move around, I will engage my audience better and appear more confident even if I am nervous.

T-Time-Based-When will I do this?  I do not have much choice in the matter; it will need to be done during my presentation although I might want to keep this goal in mind for other oral presentations I might give in other classes.

So, my final SMART goal is I will collect 3 stickies as I move across the front of the room during my presentation in order to ensure I engage the audience and appear confident.

Goal Setting and Self Reflection

For the remainder of the class, please prepare your presentation including your SMART goal.  The presentations will begin on Thursday.  Please note that if someone is absent, we will go on to the next person so you may be called upon earlier or later than expected.  Everyone should be ready on Thursday.  After giving your presentation, you will need to submit all of the following before I give you your grade:

  • Planning Guide
  • Goal Setting and Self Reflection form
  • completed rubric



Wednesday, October 2


ABC Game for building vocabulary-Find words A-Z to mean good and said.  When writing paragraphs or essays, consider carefully which word you need.

Avoiding Wordiness slides and practice sheet

Presentations begin tomorrow!


Thursday, October 3

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

Canadian Music Hall of Fame Presentations

Mentimeter-Share what you already know about essays.



Essay Format

Essay Format cards

Literary Criticism or Analysis Essay-an essay that gives a detailed examination of the elements and/or structure of a piece of literature; not to be confused with a retell.  It shows appreciation for the author’s work by pointing out the details of the text.


Friday, October 4

CR A30.1      I can view, listen to, read, comprehend and respond to FIRST NATION, METIS, SASKATCHEWAN AND CANADIAN texts that address

  • identity
  • social responsibility
  • and/or social action.

This is your period to work on CAIN Studies!

The presentations will continue on Monday READY OR NOT!


Monday, October 8

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

REMINDER:  If you must miss a class, please inform the office ahead of time if possible.  You are responsible to check the Word Press for the work you missed and to catch yourself up.  The materials you missed while absent will be in your mailbox and any links or other information that you need will be on the Word Press.

Presentations continued

Literary Criticism/Analysis essay lesson continued:

Prompt-What is McCrae’s main message in his famous poem “In Flanders Fields” and how does he develop this message through the form of his poem and the use of figurative language?

What order should we do the following:

  • Draft the body paragraphs.
  • Draft the introductory paragraph.
  • Draft the conclusion.
  • Develop a thesis for your essay.
  • Research the poem to find out the meaning, format, and figurative language in it.
  • Create an outline of the essay.
  • Edit the essay.
  • Revise the essay.

Today I will show you how I do the first 4 steps and tomorrow you will get a chance to try the process.


Tuesday, October 9

CR A30. 2     I can VIEW and critically evaluate an advertisement, a news broadcast, a poster and film.


We will finish up the lesson on essay writing.

In Flanders Fields outline

Arrogant Worms-Proud to Be Canadian

What do the following pictures say about Canadians?

Is a stereotype depicted?

How did the creator construct the meme to send the message?

What is the purpose of the picture?

For whom is it intended?

Does the picture effectively fulfil its purpose?

stereotype 1stereotype 2stereotype 3

Fun homework!  Please bring a printed copy of a Canadian meme or picture to class tomorrow.  Try googling “Meanwhile in Canada” or “Canadian memes” for some great ones. Failure to bring one means you will have homework tomorrow evening. 😦

Oral presentations cont’d


Wednesday, October 9

CR A30. 2     I can VIEW and critically evaluate an advertisement, a news broadcast, a poster and film.

Glue your meme/picture at the top of the page and then answer the following questions about it:

  1. What message does the meme/picture convey? (interpret)
  2. How does the creator convey that message? What is the purpose of the picture? For whom is it intended? (analyze)
  3. Does it effectively fulfill its purpose? Defend your position. (evaluate)

I will use this rubric to grade your work:

Canadian Meme Viewing Assignment

Tomorrow we will create outlines for an essay about Marilyn Dumont’s poem “Not Just a Platform for My Dance “.  Please read and TPCASTT it.  You may discuss the poem with your classmates, research it, ask your mom or dad!  You do not need to write your responses down; just prepare.



Oral presentations cont’d…

Mrs. Behrns will help us get the Chrome books ready for our use.


Thursday, October 11

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

Kaiden, Zach, John-viewing assignment?

Independently or guided with the class, prepare an outline for the following essay prompt.  Include plans for 1) a hook, 2) thesis, 3) paragraphs with supporting details, and 4) conclusion.  If there is time left, draft the introductory paragraph as well.

In a short essay of 4 or 5 paragraphs, describe Dumont’s attitude to the Canadian landscape including what she says it does and does not represent for her.


Oral presentations cont’d…

If you have not completed about 1/3 of your CAIN study, take advantage of the day off of school tomorrow to catch up!


Tuesday, October 15

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

CJ-Meme assignment?

John Agard-“Stereotype”  Readable versionNote:  While Agard is not a Canadian poet, his topic is relevant to our studies.  John Agard

Prompt:  In a short 4 or 5 paragraph essay, explain Agard’s attitude towards stereotypes, particularly those about people from the Caribbean.  How does his poem show the error in believing such stereotypes?

Independent or group Practice-Create an outline and introductory paragraph for the essay you would write from this prompt.


Oral presentations cont’d…


Wednesday, October 16

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

Some of the work we will do is formative which means it is not immediately “for marks”; however, it is still important to your learning.  Consider it like skipping the practices for a sports team:  how well will you perform in the game if you do not show up for practices?

How do the following define political correctness?



NO CLASS THURSDAY OR FRIDAY!  After the break, you will write a literary criticism essay about Margaret Atwood’s piece of experimental fiction “There Was Once”.  In preparation, please read, research, discuss, and ensure you understand what her meaning is.  We will write our outline and begin drafting on Monday.  This piece is meant to be a conversation so if it is not clear to you, read it aloud as parts:  the red and the black.  As well, this is your second friendly reminder that if you have not completed about 1/3-1/2 of your CAIN Study, you should use this opportunity to catch up on your D.E. Journals.

Oral presentations cont’d…


Monday, October 21

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

This week you will write a literary criticism essay about Atwood’s “There Was Once”.  Each day, you will submit whatever work you completed and finish the rest, if needed, for homework.  The final draft of the essay is due on Friday.

Prompt:  In a 4 or 5 paragraph literary criticism essay, discuss Margaret Atwood’s attitude to political correctness in her piece of experimental fiction “There Was Once” and explain how she uses characterization and dialogue to convey her message.

Please add notes to your Big Ideas chart for Agard’s “Stereotype” and Atwood’s “There Was Once.”

Due today:  outline


Tuesday, October 22

Oral presentations…

*After you present your oral presentation, please hand in all the required paperwork:  Planning Guide, rubric, goal-setting and reflection form.*


Wednesday, October 23

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

Using your outline, draft the paragraphs (Hamburger!) of your essay.  The goal is to get your ideas down on paper.  Believe it or not, the first draft should take you the LEAST amount of time of all the steps of writing.  Do not be picky about concise vocabulary or mechanics of writing; you will revise and edit later, so just get it all written down!


Due today:  first draft



Thursday, October 25

Arrogant Worms-Proud to Be Canadian

Finish oral presentations!


Friday, October 26

CR A30.1      I can view, listen to, read, comprehend and respond to FIRST NATION, METIS, SASKATCHEWAN AND CANADIAN texts that address

  • identity
  • social responsibility
  • and/or social action.

Last oral presentation!  I need the following paperwork in order to do the marking this weekend:


  • Chiamaka
  • CJ
  • Jacob
  • Colton
  • Johnathan
  • Kaiden
  • Javan
  • Michael
  • Sarah B
  • Sarah G
  • Zach

CAIN Studies

On Monday we will revise our first drafts which means you MUST have your first draft ready. The final draft will be due Wednesday, October 30.


Monday, October 28

CC A30.4     I can consider purpose, speaker, audience and form when I WRITE a literary criticism essay.

I do not have oral presentation documents from:

  • Chiamaka
  • Javan
  • Zach
  • Sarah B
  • Kaiden
  • Sarah G
  • CJ
  • Michael
  • Jacob
  • Colton
  • Johnathan

Today, you will revise and edit your first draft by completing Revision Stations.  Read the questions on each task card.  (Ignore the blank ones.) Your answer to each question should be yes before you hand in your final draft.

Revision Stations

These are the rubrics that I will use to grade your final draft:

Writing Rubric BDA Language

Writing Rubric Content Organization

The final essay along with the outline and first draft is due on Wednesday.  NO LATES please-you have had 3 classes on which to work on this.


Tuesdays, October 29

AR A30.1       I can ASSESS my own work for precision, clarity, artistry

AR A30.2       I can REFLECT on my growth and PLAN for more.

I do not have oral presentation documents from:

  • Javan
  • Zach
  • Sarah B
  • Kaiden
  • Sarah G
  • CJ
  • Michael
  • Jacob
  • Colton
  • Johnathan

Oral Presentations Group Feedback

I was really impressed with the quality of the speaking especially since many of you expressed how nervous you felt!  The volume was almost always audible and I didn’t notice anyone speaking so fast that they were unintelligible!  Lots of people were passionate and expressive which made listening enjoyable.

Just like in an essay, you want to engage the attention of your listeners beyond simply telling them what your topic is.  Instead of saying, “I am doing Anne Murray,” you might show a picture and ask everyone if they recognize her or challenge them to name that musician when you play a clip of their music.  This will activate their prior knowledge about your topic and signal the beginning of your information.

As well, you must give your listeners a cue that the presentation has finished, more than just saying, “that’s it. Thank you.”  You might use concluding words like “so”, “therefore”, “thus” like you do in your essays:  “So Anne Murray will always be considered Anne Murray’s sweetheart.”

For ideas, refer to these links that I gave you in September:

7 Brilliant Ways to Start a Presentation

4 Ways to End a Speech With A Bang

Cue cards and Powerpoints are helpful but make sure not to use them as a crutch.  When you read cue cards to the audience, you do not make eye contact with them and create a disconnect as well as appear nervous.  Do not put all the information you are planning to say on slides; we can read them ourselves.  Instead, put visuals and/or bullet points and elaborate orally.

When filling out the rubric, start at level 5 because that is what is considered “Grade 12 level work”.  Performance that is above grade level, significantly skillful, and mastered (i.e. no or very minor improvement needed) would go up to Level 6.

SMART Goals practice

Specific (not vague or general goals)  We all want to do well but a goal cannot be I will e a good speaker.  What does doing well look and sound like?

*Measurable-You need a way to measure your success.  How will you know if you achieve your goal or not?

Achievable-I will get a 100% on my essay is not a reasonable goal since 100% on an essay would be publishable caliber and is extremely rare.  Instead, focus on what qualities make an essay strong and choose a goal from them.

Relevant-The best goals come right from the rubrics since you will be evaluated on them.

Timely-Goals that you plan to do “someday” never happen.  People need due dates; they are like finish lines.

How can we turn these into SMART goals?

  • I will use natural gestures during my presentation 5 times.
  • I will speak loud enough for Cristian (at the back) to hear me clearly.  She will write a tally mark every minute if she can hear me.  My goal is to achieve 9 tallies out of a possible 10.
  • I am going to make eye contact with the audience.  I will measure this by having 3 friends counting each time I make contact with them.  My goal is to have balanced or close numbers for each.

Now you reflect on your essays and set a SMART goal for the next time you write an essay:

  1. Fill in the rubric.  Look at the Level 5 first and go up or down from there.  Justify why you think you are at the higher end of the level if applicable.
  2. On a separate sheet, record the thing(s) you did well in this essay:  I am proud of my… I learned…
  3. Consider the area(s) that you could work on next time.  Create a SMART goal that begins with “I will….”

How shall we  present “In Flanders Fields” at the Remembrance Day ceremony?

Reminder:  Literary Criticism Essays are due tomorrow. Please print out all your documents (outline, draft #1, revised copy, reflection) PRIOR to the beginning of class.


Wednesday, October 30

CR A30. 4     I can READ, comprehend and apply my knowledge of editorials, reviews, articles and fiction, scripts, poetry and non-fiction texts in order to understand my and other “Canadian” perspectives.

Due today:  Inquiry Essay

I do not have oral presentation documents from:

  • Javan
  • Sarah B
  • Kaiden
  • CJ
  • Johnathan

“In Flanders Fields” Presentation planning


Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese

Indian Horse Representing Project

Keep the final representing project in mind as you read the novel.  Keep notes or tabs that will help you complete the project.

Let’s practice the BDA process for representing:

What do the following terms mean?

  • tolerance
  • acceptance
  • understanding
  • respect

What is the message you want to send about these terms?

What is the best format to use for the message?



Thursday, October 31

CR A30. 4     I can READ, comprehend and apply my knowledge of editorials, reviews, articles and fiction, scripts, poetry and non-fiction texts in order to understand my and other “Canadian” perspectives.

“In Flander’s Fields” presentation planning:

  • What about background music/noise?
  • What about physical placement in the chapel?
  • Memorize or script?
  • Rehearse

Complete representing BDA process from yesterday-How will we effectively communicate this message?

Indian Horse

You may read according to the daily reading assignments or read the entire novel all at once if you prefer.

There will be short comprehension quizzes on each day’s reading.

Please go get your copy of the novel from the library and begin to read.  Verin, Nam, Cristian, Ashley, Johnathan-please stay.

Please read AT LEAST chapters 2-6 for Monday.  If you have a busy week next week, I recommend using the day off on Friday to read more than is required.


paragraph redo



Canada’s Really Big

Stompin’ Tom lyrics




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